Saints Row (2006)

3.62 from 45 votes
Saints Row is an open-world crime game which lets you create a character and help a man named Julius and his gang, the 3rd Street Saints, rise to the top and take back control of Stilwater.
First released
Aug 29, 2006
Saints Row
Developed by
Deep Silver Volition, Inc.
Published by
Xbox 360, Xbox 360 Games Store
Action, Driving/Racing, Shooter
Comedy, Crime
OFLC: MA15+, ESRB: M, BBFC: 18, CERO: Z, PEGI: 18+
  • PS3 - Saints Row United Kingdom
  • PS3 - Saint's Row United States
  • X360 - Saints Row Australia
  • X360 - Saints Row United States
  • X360 - Saints Row United Kingdom
  • X360 - Saints Row (Platinum Hits) United States
  • X360 - Saints Row Japan
  • X360 - Saints Row (Platinum Collection) Japan
  • X360 - Saints Row (Classics) United Kingdom
  • X360 - Saints Row (Classics) Australia
  • X360 - Saints Row Double Pack United States

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261 users have this game in their library 22 users have this game in their wishlist 13 users love this game 4 users are playing this game 71 users have completed this game