Saints Row IV (2013)

3.97 from 154 votes
When invading aliens capture the Saints and imprison their minds in a digital recreation of Steelport, it's up to the Boss (who by now has become the President of the United States) to free Earth from its oppressive new overlords.
First released
Aug 20, 2013
Saints Row 4, Saints Row The Third - Enter the Dominatrix, The Next Great Sequel in the Saints Row Franchise
Saints Row
Developed by
Deep Silver Volition, Inc., High Voltage Software, Inc.
Published by
Deep Silver, Spike Chunsoft
Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 Games Store, PlayStation Network (PS3), PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Linux, Nintendo Switch
Shooter, Action-Adventure
Sci-Fi, Comedy, Crime, Superhero
ESRB: M, PEGI: 18+, OFLC: MA15+, CERO: Z
  • NSW - Saints Row IV United States
  • PC - Saints Row IV United Kingdom
  • PC - Saints Row IV Australia
  • PC - Saints Row IV United States
  • PS3 - Saints Row IV United States
  • PS3 - Saints Row IV United Kingdom
  • PS3 - Saints Row IV Australia
  • PS3 - Saints Row IV: Super Ultimate Deluxe Edition Japan
  • PS3N - Saints Row IV United States
  • X360 - Saints Row IV United States
  • X360 - Saints Row IV United Kingdom
  • X360 - Saints Row IV Australia
  • X360 - Saints Row IV: Super Ultimate Deluxe Edition Japan
  • XBGS - Saints Row IV United States

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