Baldur's Gate 3 (2023)

4.53 from 53 votes
An ancient evil has returned to Baldur's Gate, intent on devouring it from the inside out. Combat is Turn-based instead of Real-Time with Pauses style combat as previous main installments in the Baldur's Gate series
First released
Aug 3, 2023
Baldur's Gate III, BG3
Baldur's Gate, Dungeons & Dragons
Developed by
Larian Studios
Published by
Larian Studios
Mac, PC, Google Stadia, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
  • PC - Baldur's Gate 3 (Early Access) United States
  • PC - Baldur's Gate 3 United States
  • PS5 - Baldur's Gate 3 United States
  • STAD - Baldur's Gate 3 (Early Access) United States

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Wonderful Brain Rot
Perfect game to play and zone out for hours and hours, minior bugs but patches are often and tend to fix things before the mods.
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*Warning: Spoilers* Best game that ever came out in history, just pure perfection.
Larian Studio’s did it again, the masters of RPG, the Gods of perfection. Baldur’s Gate III was worth the wait, and my God, it is a piece of art, created by human hands.

When I started playing Baldur’s gate III, my jaw fell on the floor. Right from the start, this game impressed and amazed me by the million options of customization of your character. I created my character, chose my correct dick type and ventured into a world full of adventure and wonder.

Story wise, I will not say anything. This is a journey that one must experience for themselves. It is a unique experience which can really lure you in, and keeps you playing for hours on end. Let me just say that it restored my love for video games instantly.

There is so much to do in Baldur’s Gate III. So many quests, so much open world to explore, so many encounters, the amount of content this game offers is almost endless. You are in full control of your own path and can complete quests, side missions and optional encounters in any order you like.

Every action has consequences and you can really break your game or shut yourself out of future quests when you decide to murder the wrong people, make enemies in the wrong places or committing acts of theft. The game is one big sandbox in which you, and only you, decide how your journey is going to end. Every encounter, every battle, every quest, it was all so good! Not once was I bored or did I feel any form of repetitive gameplay. The humor, the random encounters, and punishments for your curiosity is all worth it. I was always wondering what would happen next. One moment you are warned not to open a bottle, and when you do it (because you are an adult), you are rewarded with a freaking Spectator for your stupidity and curiosity.

This game is hard, really hard. But it is the kind of hard that is still fair. With the right strategy, builds and items, everything is possible. That’s what I like most about this game. You enter a battle, get your ass handed to you, but the next time, you adapt, think of another approach and then slash your way through the fight.

The graphics in Baldur’s Gate III are absolutely gorgeous. The world feels so alive and the animations are spot on. Facial expressions are the best I have seen to date and every character has emotion and “a soul” if that makes sense.

In the Audio department, my praise could not be higher. Epic sound effects that you can actually “feel”, perfect voice acting, glorious music. I seriously run out of words that can describe “perfection”. Special praise from my side for the boss music with Raphael’s fight, which he sings himself. Silence him with a spell, and the music stops. Well done Larian, well done…

The mechanics also work flawlessly (most of the time). Interfaces are easy to understand, inventory management is great and all the rules of DND 5e are just implemented perfectly. Checks feel on point, balanced actions and bonus actions, the right stats are used for the right situations and overall, it just works.

One big shoutout for Larian Studios for making this game, “just a game”. They ship out this piece of art and perfection, without corporate crap like Season Passes, subscriptions, and micro transactions. They knew (and they are right) that just making an epic game, is good enough. Larian has a great reputation, and with this game, I still consider them the best, most talented, and most fair developer of all time.

Although I consider Baldur’s Gate III perfection, there are some annoyances, bugs, glitches and problems. Some small, some hilarious (twitching dicks while long resting), but some can really impact your gameplay.

For the minor stuff, it consists mostly of stuck AI in combat, in which the enemy does not do jack sh!t for 15 seconds, and eventually skips its turn. Other small annoyances include lag, in which you perform an attack and, sometimes, need to wait 8 seconds for the game to continue and calculate the outcome. Ghosting in your inventory, in which an item disappears when moved and reappearing in the spot you put it in several seconds later is also a thing.

Lastly, there is the issue of selecting one of your other characters to check their stats, current damage or proficiencies, but while you selected a different character, the stats and display is still focused on your main character, displaying false damage numbers or showing you that your hulking Barbarian is not proficient with Heavy Armor. Click again on the other character, and the problem is solved.

However, there is one bug/glitch that can be infuriating, and still has not been fixed despite many patches and fixes (at the time of writing). This is a bug in which open doors act like invisible barriers, making it impossible to throw your big ass fireball through it. Only when stepping through the door can you make it happen. This is the only (but a big one) problem that makes me very angry when playing.Sure, game crashes can also happen, although I did not experience this too many times.

The final act, act III can be a little overwhelming and the fact that (at the time of writing) the level cap is still 12, some side quests can feel a little pointless because the experience does nothing anymore to your powerful level 12 characters.

In the end, I still mean everything I say when I conclude that Baldur’s Gate III is perfection and the best game I have ever played in my life thus far. And when I say played, I actually mean play, because I am not done yet with this masterpiece, not by a long shot. I can start this game anytime, creating a fresh new experience with different choices, character lineups and outcomes. This game has a replay value greater than mankind itself and I am sure that there is lots of new features, DLC and gameplay in the making at the time of writing, so I cannot wait!

My deepest respects to Larian Studios once again, for creating something Holy like this masterpiece of a game. Ratings go no higher then 10, but when possible, it would get an 11 from me.

Definitely recommend this legendary gem.
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