Remember Me (2013)

3.36 from 112 votes
Remember Me is a futuristic game set in Neo-Paris. The protagonist, Nilin, is up against a tyrant company, Memorize, with the technology to manipulate people's memory to their will. It is up to Nilin and her friends to fight against Memorize to break the bind it has on society.
First released
Jun 4, 2013
Developed by
Don't Nod
Published by
Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Network (PS3), PC
Action, Platformer
Sci-Fi, Cyberpunk
ESRB: M, PEGI: 16+
  • PC - Remember Me United States
  • PC - Remember Me United Kingdom
  • PS3 - Remember Me United States
  • PS3 - Remember Me United Kingdom
  • PS3N - Remember Me United States
  • X360 - Remember Me United States
  • X360 - Remember Me United Kingdom

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Remember Me
Remember Me

Nach ca. 11 Stunden ist das Spiel für mich geschafft. Ich fand es ganz ok. Man spielt in einer Cyberpunkartigen Zukunft indem ein Großkonzern Erinnerungen von Menschen gestohlen hat durch ein Programm. Man schlüpft in die Hauptprotagonistin Nilin (die mich bisschen an Joanna Dark von Perfect Dark Zero erinnert hat). Diese bekommt mit der Zeit verschiedene Gaben um z.b. Erinnerungen zu Remixen oder um im Kampf besser zu werden. Das Kampfsystem ist für mich ein Hit oder mIss. Entweder man mag es oder nicht. Ich sag mal so: Es ist definitiv nicht einfach zu Mastern, auch wenn es etwas den Batman Arkham Spielen gleicht, sind die Gegner hier das Problem. Manche wirken einfach zu Overpowered und andere machen sich Unsichtbar, wo man selbst nur ne gewisse Begrenzung hat um besagte Gegner wieder Sichtbar zu machen (indem man im richtigen Licht steht). Das war nervig! Es gibt auch ein paar Rätseleinlagen für zwischendurch, wo ich doch auch mal die Lösung zur Rate ziehen musste bei manchen, aber manche waren wieder ok. Die Story ist jedenfalls intressant, aber auch da hat es mMn. ein wenig Luft nach oben. Das Spiel ist kein schlechtes Spiel versteht mich nicht falsch, aber es hat trotzdem seine Problemchen. Ich würde dem Spiel deswegen 3,5 von 5 Sternen geben :)
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Painfully Average
First off let me start by saying this DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT buy this game at full price (which at the time of this review is 30$) it is not worth that price in my opinion. The highest I could recommend buying it at would probably be like 10-15$.

To get an idea of what Remember Me is like imagine this: the combat of every game trying to copy batman, the climbing of uncharted but even more restricted and railroaded, and a cool story premise about cyberpunk Paris and you've got Remember Me. These things aren't bad but none of them are really used to their fullest. Let's start with the thing you do the most, combat.

Like I said the combat is very batman like. You have light and heavy attacks, the enemies get a giant MGS alert symbol above their heads when they're going to attack, you can do some flippy dodges, and you get some neat power moves once you've built up a meter. While it does what it's supposed to do just fine the difficulty never feels like it gets any higher. Even on the hardest setting I never really felt like I was in danger at any point. Do keep in mind though I'm a masochist who un-ironically enjoys games like dark souls, god hand, dmc, and the original castlevanias. Speaking of god hand, remember me has something similar in the combo lab. In remember me you have 4 combos of different lengths that you can customize with different "presens" which are one of 4 different types of attacks: strikes, healing, cooldown reduction, and power multipliers. So what the game wants you to do is create your own personal playstyle with the different moves, but you're really just gonna fall into a kind of rut finding the one or two things that work and keep using those. Once you get 4 healing presens the game becomes trivial at that point since you'll just heal yourself in your combo. So yeah, the combat isn't bad but it does start to get boring fairly quick.

Now, when you're not fighting you're gonna be "exploring" ,or really just going down a narrow corridor with some branched areas with collectibles, and a lot of the time that involves climbing. The climbing is very basic, Step 1: you jump and grab the thing with the arrow on it, Step 2: find the next thing with the arrow on it and then jump to it, are you done climbing, if not return to step 1. There's not much to say about it other than it exists and is just another way of getting to the next fight.

The coolest things remember me has are its world and the ideas of its story. Remember me is a cyberpunk world that takes place in neo paris where memories can now be stored, shared, removed, and even changed. The memories thing was what really had me hooked. It's a cool idea, memories are what make up our personality so what would happen if they were changed or even removed? Well we see what happens and it's kind of lame. Basically there are some puzzle sections where you change someone's memory to benefit you, and afterwords they immediately recall the memory you just changed and they either act nice to you or kill themselves (guess who that one is). It's not bad I just wish there was more of them and done differently other than just one time.

But overall I can recommend remember me only if you get it cheaper though. While 30 is much cheaper than its launch price it is still too short at around 6-7 hours of mindless combat with some pretty visuals, cool ideas, and an okay story to justify it.

And if you need a score: 5.4/10

I bought this game for 6$ a while ago
I also have 100% completion
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