The Wolf Among Us (2013)

4.25 from 204 votes
A prequel to the Fables comic book series, The Wolf Among Us tells a tale of the reformed Big Bad Wolf of childhood folklore (who is the sheriff of a secluded community of fables in 20th century New York City) as he investigates a series of grisly murders.
First released
Oct 11, 2013
The Wolf Among Us
Developed by
Telltale Games, Outsource Media (OMUK)
Published by
Telltale Games
Mac, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 Games Store, PlayStation Network (PS3), PC, iPhone, iPad, Android, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation Network (Vita), Xbox One, PlayStation 4
Fantasy, Comic Book
ESRB: M, PEGI: 18+, PEGI: 16+
  • MAC - The Wolf Among Us: Episode 1 - Faith United States
  • MAC - The Wolf Among Us: Episode 2 - Smoke and Mirrors United States
  • MAC - The Wolf Among Us: Episode 3 - A Crooked Mile United States
  • PC - The Wolf Among Us: Episode 1 - Faith United States
  • PC - The Wolf Among Us: Episode 2 - Smoke and Mirrors United States
  • PC - The Wolf Among Us: Episode 3 - A Crooked Mile United States
  • PC - The Wolf Among Us: Episode 4 - In Sheep's Clothing United States
  • PC - The Wolf Among Us: Episode 5 - Cry Wolf United States
  • PC - The Wolf Among Us United Kingdom
  • PS3 - The Wolf Among Us United States
  • PS3N - The Wolf Among Us: Episode 1 - Faith United States
  • PS3N - The Wolf Among Us: Episode 2 - Smoke and Mirrors United States
  • PS3N - The Wolf Among Us: Episode 3 - A Crooked Mile United States
  • PS4 - The Wolf Among Us United States
  • PS4 - The Wolf Among Us United Kingdom
  • PSNV - The Wolf Among Us United States
  • VITA - The Wolf Among Us United States
  • XBGS - The Wolf Among Us: Episode 1 - Faith United States
  • XBGS - The Wolf Among Us: Episode 2 - Smoke and Mirrors United States
  • XBGS - The Wolf Among Us: Episode 3 - A Crooked Mile United States

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*Warning: spoilers* Amazing game with beautiful artwork and an amazing story
The Wolf Among Us is an amazing game that I enjoyed very much. It is another masterpiece from Telltale Games, so I knew that it was going to be fine at least, but when playing, it really impressed me yet again.

You play as Bigby Wolf, a werewolf that is also the sheriff of Fabletown, a city filled with all sorts of magical and fairy tales creatures. Instead of the jolly and kid friendly concept of fairy tale, you now got a dark, grim atmosphere, full of crime, treason and drug abuse.

There are many problems and incidents in the town lately and it is up to you and your partners Snow White and Ichabod Crane to solve the murders, crimes and mysteries in the game. Eventually, it is shown that the “Crooked Man” is the main villain in the game and that he is behind all the chaos and violence in the town. You eventually get to him and release your inner Werewolf. This scene was so epic, and I replayed it many times.

Throughout your investigation, you make choices, ask questions and trying to put the puzzle together in order to progress. Choices, accusations and dialogue you choose, all have a great impact on the outcome of the game, just like the Walking Dead series.

You also got some quick time events that are not required to progress but will affect the outcome of the story in the end. The Wolf Among Us is the only game in which the quick time events did not feel pointless, unlike many other games out there.

The game is split up into five episodes, each with their unique story, but linked chronologically. Back in the day, you could buy and play the episodes separately, but in late 2014, the retail version came out, including all the five episodes.

I loved all the episodes and every story just as much as the previous one. It kept me on edge, always wondering what would happen next. You are guessing where a certain villain will be, what will happen to a certain character in the game and are constantly questioning yourself: “Did I make the right decision back there?” The first time playing this game is a magical feeling that you can only experience once.

The Wolf Among Us looks beautiful. The cell shading style works very well, especially because this game is based on the comic Fables. It is polished and detailed and the animations and facial expressions are just perfect. The characters really have emotions in their face, and it is this kind of games where you really bond with the characters.

The music and sound are also perfect. In the background, violin music and grim themes are playing, enhancing your experience. The voice acting is excellent and many times, I forgot that I was playing a game and instead thought I was watching a good movie.

The Wolf Among Us can be considered a point and click novel, and being so, the click controls, and quick time events are responsive, like they should be.

The best aspect of this game is of course it’s story. It is so powerful and really takes you into a comic book and let you experience an epic journey. I really cared for the characters, was always curious what would happen next and applauded when I finished all the episodes. This game deserves all the love it can gets and the developers from Telltale Games can be proud of their work.

I can only praise The Wolf Among us and would certainly recommend it to everyone.
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The Wolf Among Us
Episode 1: Faith
Episode 2: Smokes and Mirrors
Episode 3: A Crooked Mile
Episode 4: In Sheep's Clothing
Episode 5: Cry Wolf


11 Out, 2013

Desenvolvedora: Telltale Games
Distribuidora: Telltale Games
Gêneros: Ação / Aventura
ESRB: Adultos 17 +

Feito pela mesma equipe responsável pelo sucesso The Walking Dead, Faith, primeiro capítulo de The Wolf Among Us, mostra o início de mais uma investigação feita por Bigby "Big Bad" Wolf. Responsável por manter a ordem entre as criaturas refugiadas dos diferentes reinos dos contos de fada, ele deve descobrir os motivos que levaram ao assassinato brutal de uma prostituta.

O jogo é baseado na HQ Fábulas, criada por Bill Willingham, se passando alguns anos antes do início das tramas mostradas pelos quadrinhos. Apesar de compartilhar vários elementos em comum com a obra que lhe serve de inspiração, não é preciso acompanhar o trabalho publicado através da editora Vertigo para aproveitar o título desenvolvido pela Telltale.

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