Penumbra: Black Plague (2008)

4.08 from 32 votes
An exploration based adventure by the Swedish developer Frictional Games. Black Plague focuses on where the previous game in the story ends. It requires the player to traverse an underground facility full of zombie-like creatures which they must avoid if they are to survive.
First released
Feb 11, 2008
Developed by
Frictional Games
Published by
Paradox Interactive AB
Mac, PC, Linux
Adventure, Puzzle
Horror, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
  • MAC - Penumbra: Black Plague United States
  • PC - Penumbra: Black Plague United States
  • PC - Penumbra Black Plague Gold Edition (Steam) United States
  • PC - Penumbra Collector Pack (Steam) United States

Community reviews

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Improved sequel
Black Plague is a direct sequel to Penumbra:Overture, with some small but welcome improvements.

You make your way through a secret research complex, that is more detailed and interesting than the mines in Overture. The combat system is completely removed, which is probably for the best.

Story is much more engaging and has some interesting twists. The only thing I didn't like was a couple of cheesy jumpscares (like body falling in front of you out of nowhere...) and some small visual glitches in the last chapter. Other than that, I had fun from start to the end.

Black Plague shows that the developers recognised the issues of the first game and tried to improve on them while keeping the good things intact. Definitely recommended if you like the original.
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