An adventure game developed by Daedalic Entertainment that follows the adventures of Sadwick, a depressed 12-year-old clown, who is part of a traveling circus and has been having recurring nightmares about the end of the world.
First released
Apr 23, 2010
The Whispered World Special Edition
The Whispered World
Developed by
Daedalic Entertainment
Published by
Deep Silver, Viva Media, LLC, EuroVideo Medien GmbH, Plaion
Mac, PC, iPad, Linux
Adventure, Puzzle
Fantasy, Comedy
PEGI: 12+
IPAD - The Whispered World Special Edition United States
IPAD - The Whispered World Special Edition United Kingdom
PC - The Whispered World United States
PC - The Whispered World United Kingdom
PC - The Whispered World Australia
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139 users have this game in their library2 users have this game in their wishlist3 users love this game2 users are playing this game16 users have completed this game