Dwarf Fortress (2006)

4.33 from 20 votes
Dwarf Fortress is a single-player, high fantasy simulation game in the style of old ASCII Roguelikes. You can control either a Dwarven clan attempting to build a settlement or a single adventurer in a randomly generated and persistent world complete with its own unique history.
First released
Aug 8, 2006
Slaves to Armok 2: Dwarf Fortress, Dwarf Fortress, Slaves to Armok II: Dwarf Fortress, Slaves to Armok: God of Blood Chapter II: Dwarf Fortress
Slaves to Armok
Developed by
Bay 12 Games
Published by
Bay 12 Games, Kitfox Games
Mac, PC, Linux
Strategy, Role-Playing, Simulation
Fantasy, Management
  • PC - Slaves to Armok II: Dwarf Fortress United States
  • PC - Dwarf Fortress United States

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