Doom (2016)

4.30 from 219 votes
In a world with health regeneration and cover-based systems, one of the longest-running first-person shooter series returns to its brutal, fast-paced roots.
First released
May 13, 2016
Doom IV, Doom 4, Doom 2016
Developed by
id Software, Certain Affinity, Escalation Studios, Panic Button, Bethesda Game Studios Austin
Published by
Bethesda Softworks, Zenimax Media Inc
PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Google Stadia
First-Person Shooter
Horror, Sci-Fi
OFLC: R18+, PEGI: 18+, ESRB: M, BBFC: 18
  • NSW - DOOM United States
  • NSW - DOOM United Kingdom
  • NSW - Doom Japan
  • PC - Doom United States
  • PC - Doom United Kingdom
  • PS4 - Doom Australia
  • PS4 - Doom United States
  • PS4 - Doom United Kingdom
  • PS4 - Doom Collector's Edition United Kingdom
  • XONE - Doom Australia
  • XONE - Doom United Kingdom
  • XONE - Doom United States

Community reviews

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Doom was a fun time and a good game to check off the log. The setting between hell and mars is Sci-Fi legitness, felt like playing through a fun 2000's Sci-Fi movie. The visuals and sound are great, the sound is creepy especially before encounters. The graphics up-close during glory kills are fantastic and satisfying. The story is simple straightforward and compliments the face paced action. I think it mixes well oldschool FPS to the modern day! Defiantly a game to checkout!
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Originally got this game on January 1st, 2020 to pass the time during quarantine and put it down for a while to play some other games. Came back to it and beat it before playing Doom Eternal and I gotta say it is GOOD. I love the fast-paced shooting action, I love the constant bloodbath and everything about its simplistic and somewhat complex level designs. Overall 5/5 stars would play again.
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Doomed to love this game

Playtime 18:18 on "Hurt me Plenty".

Reboot of the classic shooter series after Doom 3 stank up the franchise for 15 years. You are Doomguy the legendary Demonslayer.


* Looks and sounds gorgeous. Martian vistas and Hell levels all have appropriate sights to behold. Appropriate rocking tunes keep you pumped and motivated.
* Moves like grease lightning. Your mobility as you circle strafe and leap around the levels is superb. Unlike most modern shooters this kept you moving constantly to stay alive, constantly on the edge of death.
* Level design is great. Reminicent of some of the best levels in the original games they flow neatly around and now have a lot of verticality missing from the old games. The design gives open spaces and tight areans allowing you to dodge and avoid the enemies, find hidden secrets and find new ways to get the drop on the demons and avoid getting cornered.
* Nice variety of new designs for the old enemy types. All the old favs are back. All the classic power up are still there as well. Quad Damage being the most fun.
* Dry sense of humour right from the start. I wish I could hit cancel on that demonic invasion in progress bar. :) The data logs are really funny so make sure you read them.
* They have done a nice job of integrating modern items into the mix. Challenges, collections, upgrades to weapons and Armour etc are all there. While it keeps the health and ammo packs and general feel of the shooting from Doom 1 and 2.
* The new Glory Kills are varied enough and built into the strategy of the shooting seemlessly. Shooting the enemies until near death activating the melee kill or Glory Kill will replenish your health so can come in really handy in tight spots. There are multiple animations so they never felt that repeditive to me.
* So many nods to the old games in the way it plays and the sound design that constantly reminds me of the good old days playing ID games of old.


* Multiplayer is a bit MEH.

Overall this is a fantastic single player game which is so much fun to play.

Best shooter in years.

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