The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)

4.59 from 406 votes
The first 3D Legend of Zelda game, Ocarina of Time was created for the Nintendo 64 in 1998 and introduced innovative mechanics such as Z-targeting as well as many of the series' other trademarks. It has frequently been ranked as the greatest game of all time by many publications.
First released
Nov 21, 1998
OOT, LOZ:OOT, Zelda no Densetsu: Toki no Ocarina, ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナ, Zelda 64, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time
Developed by
Nintendo EAD, Grezzo, Nintendo EAD Tokyo Group No.1
Published by
Nintendo, Gradiente
Nintendo 64, Wii Shop, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS eShop, Wii U
  • 3DS - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D United States
  • 3DS - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D United Kingdom
  • 3DS - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Australia
  • 3DS - Zelda no Densetsu: Toki no Ocarina 3D Japan
  • 3DS - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (Nintendo Selects) United States
  • 3DS - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (Nintendo Selects) United Kingdom
  • N64 - Zelda no Densetsu: Toki no Ocarina Japan
  • N64 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time United States
  • N64 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time United Kingdom
  • N64 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Australia
  • N64 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Collector's Edition) United States
  • N64 - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Player's Choice) United States
  • N64 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo 64 Zelda Special Value Pak) United Kingdom
  • WiiU - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time United States
  • WiiU - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time United Kingdom
  • WiiU - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Australia
  • WSHP - Zelda no Densetsu: Toki no Ocarina Japan
  • WSHP - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time United States
  • WSHP - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of TIme Australia
  • WSHP - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time United Kingdom

Community reviews

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Return of a true classic!
Amazing game!!! A true masterpiece that has stood the test of time and now looks better thanks to the visual overhaul by Grezzo...ageless classic!
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The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time is one of the best games ever made
Game: The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D
Genre: Action/Adventure
Developer: Nintendo
System: Nintendo 3DS (3DS)
Total Score: 100/100
Value Score: 10/10

• Story: 10/10
• Characters: 10/10
• GamePlay: 10/10
• Graphics: 10/10
• Sound: 10/10
• Music: 10/10
• Length: 10/10
• Replay Value: 10/10
• Player Value: 10/10

+The game has been remade with improved visuals and sound. Character designs look way more sharper and improved
+Includes The Master Quest
+Includes a Boss Challenge mode
+The use of the touch screen assist in inventory management which makes swapping between items easier and more accessible during the adventure
+The touchscreen also assists in playing the ocarina showcasing the notes and other information
+The ability to choose between using manual and gyro controls when using tools and items
+Introduction of "Visions" from Sheikah stones allow you to look at hints if you are stuck in the game
+Iron/Hover boots can now be equipped as usable tools/items rather than equipment like in the original

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Truly a masterpiece
Ahh the memories, I can't really write an in depth review on this one due to just how long ago it was I played this but I can remember absolutely loving it. I've not really got into a Zelda game since (I'm more of a Mario man really) but this was the first time a video-game really immersed me in a story. I was challenged and wowed on every corner and will always remember this as one of the highlights of my video-game career. The music still gives me goosebumps, taking me back to when I used to play this as a wee nipper. A beautiful game and thoroughly deserving of the praise it keeps on getting.
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