The Darkness (2007)

3.92 from 95 votes
On his 21st birthday, Jackie Estacado gets possessed by an entity known as The Darkness. After getting into trouble with the Mafia, Jackie finds himself on the run, trying to protect the people most important to him.
First released
Jun 25, 2007
The Darkness
Developed by
Starbreeze Studios AB
Published by
2K Games
Xbox 360, PlayStation 3
Action, First-Person Shooter
Horror, Fantasy
  • PS3 - The Darkness United States
  • PS3 - Darkness, The United Kingdom
  • PS3 - The Darkness Australia
  • X360 - Darkness, The United States
  • X360 - Darkness, The United Kingdom
  • X360 - The Darkness Japan
  • X360 - The Darkness Australia

Community reviews

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The Darkness
Mein erstes Spiel im Jahre 2025 nach The Medium (was ich jetzt nicht zählen mag, da ich das schonmal durch hatte) ist geschafft. Ich hatte ehrlich nicht damit gerechnet, dass das Spiel doch mir so gefallen würde. Nach dem Let's Show (Ersteindruck), dem ich auf meinem YT Kanal gemacht hatte, wollte ich doch wissen wie es weitergeht und ich habs nicht bereut. Auch wenn es anfangs noch ein wenig Gewöhnungsbedürftig mit der Steuerung ist, geht alles später schnell in Fleisch und Blut oder Dunkelheit über. Ihr spielt Jacke Estacado, ein Typ der ein Auftragskiller von der Mafia ist. Allerdings wird er vom Don betrogen und die sind jetzt alle hinter ihm her inkl. seiner Freundin, die nichts über seine Kräfte (die er zum 21. Geburtstag bekommen hat), sowie das er ein Auftragskiller ist nichts weiss. Das Spiel ist ansich sehr packend es hat Nebenmissionen die man machen sollte um Telefonnummern zu bekommen und mehr über die Welt zu Erfahren. Genell findet man auch so Telefonnummern im Spiel, die sind auch sehr gut und lustig gestaltet und man kann dadurch einiges im Spiel freischalten, was man im Hauptmenü dann unter Extras findet. Wer auf eine spannende, Actiongeladene und mitreissende Story mit intressanten Wendepunkten steht, sollte The Darkness unbedingt ausprobieren und spielen. Volle Punktzahl von mir für das Xbox 360 Game!!
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*Warning: spoilers* Absolute Masterpiece of a game
I bought this game for 5 euros in a local game shop back in 2010 because it had a cool cover, and I did not know what to expect.

When I put it in my PlayStation 3, my mind was blown. This game is amazing. It has a nice, dark atmosphere, a solid story, looks amazing, has the best soundtracks in a game that I have experienced so far and is overall just really well done.

The story is solid, it is the ultimate revenge killing tale of a mobster who wants to avenge the assault on his life and the murder of his girlfriend later in the game by his fat uncle Paulie, while being aided, but also controlled, by a darker power that controls Jackie as a puppet. This is one of the few games where the story is so excellent, I could not stop playing because I wanted to see what would happen next.

When you progress, you expect to reach your goal, but just when you think you are there, the game takes a turn on you and your revenge will have to wait a little longer. This kind of tension build up is excellent and makes you mad but hungry for more at the same time.

The ending is legendary, it gives the ultimate feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment. The animations, emotions and overall feeling of the last battle and the end is a piece of art. The mobsters defending your arch nemesis Paulie acknowledge that they are screwed and beg you for their life, but you show no mercy. Just Perfect!

The graphics look very nice, even today, it is dark, polished and very grim. Just the way it should be.

And the music, the music is still the best I have heard in a game today. Many games have good tracks that I really liked, but nothing beats the metal/orchestra tracks of this game. A special note must be made for the last track at the decisive battle: “Massacre on the Lighthouse.” This was so epic; I got an adrenaline rush when completing it.

The AI in this game is also well designed. They take cover, react to your movements and when you let out the twins (the darkness snakes coming out of your back), you can hear them cry and shiver in fear.

The mechanics of the game are well done. The light hurt you and drain your powers, you can shoot or smash the lights for more darkness (and a really badass feeling when you walk down a hallway while doing it) and leave your enemies in the dark, left in fear. The darkness powers are really cool and gives you the feeling of ultimate control and feeling like a dark lord of sorts.

The controls are fluent and because you have two freaking darkness snake things on your back, the left and right triggers for controlling them feel very natural while your own arms control the various guns you collect with the shoulder buttons.

I have to say that I did not like the WW1 themed trench levels (where you go three times) that much because they were very confusing to navigate and the psychic undead WW1 soldiers that appeared out of nowhere and disappeared (while hurting you) messed with my mind a little.

The Darkness is one of those games in my personal favorite top 10 games I have ever played, and I would recommend it to everyone.

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