Hi-Fi Rush (2023)

4.13 from 19 votes
Hi-Fi Rush is a rhythm-based action game developed by Tango Gameworks.
First released
Jan 25, 2023
Developed by
Tango Gameworks
Published by
Bethesda Softworks
PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
Action, Music/Rhythm
Sci-Fi, Comedy, Comic Book
  • PC - Hi-Fi Rush United States
  • PS5 - Hi-Fi Rush United States

Community reviews

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Hi-Fi Rush Review
Decent story with some good laughs, but the combat was not very fun due to its limitation of the rhythm-based action. Most of the songs I did not enjoy except for one or two of them. Ultimately, the game would have more fun with traditional action combat elements and better music.

Knowing what I now know, I would pass on this game.
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HiFi Fun
This game was a great experience! it hits a good level of immersion for what it is, and what is it? it has a fun art style that seems like your playing through a interactive comic! The music is fun and upbeat and integrated with the game play mechanics that adds to the immersion. the story is short but a fun experience and has some arcade modes to keep you entertained for a bit longer. if your looking for a short but good game, you cant go wrong with this one!
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Darkadia community stats

85 users have this game in their library 27 users have this game in their wishlist 13 users love this game 4 users are playing this game 33 users have completed this game