Animal Crossing: New Horizons (2020)

3.98 from 92 votes
Transform a deserted island into a paradise in the Switch's version of Animal Crossing.
First released
Mar 20, 2020
Animal Crossing
Developed by
Nintendo EPD, Monolith Software, Inc., TOSE Co., Ltd., SRD Co. Ltd., 1-UP Studio, Imagica Digitalscape Co., Ltd.
Published by
Nintendo, Justdan International
Nintendo Switch
  • NSW - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Digital) United States
  • NSW - Animal Crossing: New Horizons United States

Community reviews

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Creative freedom and immersive
When I pick up video games, I try to look for games that offer big creative freedom. And this offers that! It has a huge and regurarly updated catalog of items, decorations and even customizable items, it gets very addicting if you love customisation or are an artist once you unlock all designer mechanics. You might hear other Animal Crossing players say that dialogue gets very repititve. Yes, but it varies greatly from character to character. You'll only notice the repition in dialogue if you talk to the same character, but if you talk to each villager you have on your island every day and change up the villagers (and also listen to them talk to each other or interact with each other), there's impressive variation. Even if you get bored with doing the same thing every day in the game, holidays or even just playing around with the mechanics and enough creativity you can still find something new to do. This is currently my #1 favorite Nintendo Switch.
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I liked the game for a while. But eventually it get repetitive.
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Darkadia community stats

474 users have this game in their library 23 users have this game in their wishlist 87 users love this game 64 users are playing this game 90 users have completed this game