Eastward (2021)

3.00 from 9 votes
An RPG adventure game following characters John and Sam as they discover the outside world after leaving their underground city.
First released
Sep 16, 2021
Developed by
Pixpil Games
Published by
Chucklefish Games
Mac, PC, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch
Role-Playing, Action-Adventure
  • NSW - Eastward United States
  • PC - Eastward United States
  • XONE - Eastward United States

Community reviews

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Eastward Review
I enjoyed Eastward and the world it was trying to build, but ultimately it lost itself in the story about half way through. A lot of things were never explained and if I had to do it again, I would pass. The combat was severely lacking as well. I stuck around hoping the story would be explained more, but in the end it did not pay off. The story was definitely unique starting out though.
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Darkadia community stats

47 users have this game in their library 10 users have this game in their wishlist 3 users love this game 3 users are playing this game 8 users have completed this game