Spyro Reignited Trilogy (2018)

4.15 from 66 votes
A compilation of high-definition remakes of the first three Spyro the Dragon games.
First released
Nov 13, 2018
Developed by
Toys for Bob
Published by
PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch
Compilation, Platformer
PEGI: 7+
  • NSW - Spyro Reignited Trilogy United States
  • NSW - Spyro Reignited Trilogy (Digital) United States
  • PC - Spyro Reignited Trilogy (Digital) United States
  • PS4 - Spyro Reignited Trilogy United States
  • PS4 - Spyro Reignited Trilogy (Digital) United States
  • PS4 - Spyro Reignited Trilogy United Kingdom
  • XONE - Spyro Reignited Trilogy United States
  • XONE - Spyro Reignited Trilogy (Digital) United States

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*Warning: spoilers* A lot of fun at the cost of two controllers
The Spyro Reignited Trilogy is just what it says: All the three classic Spyro games, remade and packed into one disc.

I was always fan of the Spyro games and immediately bought this one when it came out. I had fun playing all the games in order, collecting every gem, egg and rescuing all the dragons. Even got so far to collect all the PlayStation trophies the game, which was a hard but fun challenge.

The first game was easy, and I casually finished it. It was also the game I played the most back in the day, so it was not that hard. It was just as good as I remembered. Great platforming, various levels with unique themes, fun enemies and overall, a wonderful experience.

However, the second one, Ripto’s Rage! will always be my arch nemesis. As stated in the title of the review, I broke two controllers in pure rage and hatred (yes, I know I have problems), it is still as bad as the original game, no, much worse, I think.

This can all be linked to one element: Hunter and his bullsh!t. All the mini games, timed stages and “fly trough hoops” challenges to get an orb (which you need) where the worst experience I ever had with a platforming adventure game in my life. They made me so mad that I broke my PS4 controllers and needed to get two new ones. The worst part was the “motivational middle finger” that Hunter gave you when you lost the challenge for the millionth time.

His smirking, his taunting and “Skater Dude” attitude (“Hey bro, better luck next time haha”), combined with the brutal, unforgivable, criminally hard orb challenges made my life miserable. The time limit is ridiculous, and you need to be a god who can bend time and space to complete everything in the given time. The worst part was to see that ugly smiling face of that disformed excuse of a feline again, when he laughs at you and your whole family, stating he is better than you, and then motivates you to try again. It was pure torture.

Many times, I thought: “This is just a game, why all the rage,” but then I realized I just wanted to see that stupid furball cry in defeat and shame when I finally beat his ass and drank his tears.

So, now that that has been clarified, moving on.

The third game, Year of the Dragon, made me calm down again and the fun and joy were back. No more Hunter and his “Hippie challenges,” now he just wants to get laid with Bianca and create some freak offspring, but that is not my concern. Yes, the “challenges” and mini games are back, but they are way less frustrating and impossible then the second game. Although still hard as bricks, it felt more like the first game in which the challenge was just right, and I enjoyed this sequel like I used to back then.

The graphical upgrade in the Reignited Trilogy is nice and polished, however the framerate and stuttering sometimes is terrible. There were moments in which it was almost unplayable, and I played on a PS4 Pro, so it should manage it fine.

Collecting all the trophies in this game is my second biggest personal achievement in gaming, besides Postal 2 on Postal difficulty. The main tribute for this is, you guessed it, Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage.

So, in short, I had fun playing the Reignited Trilogy, with the exception of the second game, which I never touch again in my life.

Still recommend the Remastered Trilogy.
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