Silent Hill 4: The Room (2004)

3.85 from 85 votes
Silent Hill 4 is the fourth installment of the Survival-Horror series of the same name. This edition stars Henry Townshend, who is possessed remotely by the town of Silent Hill and forced to face an undead serial killer and multiple hellish dimensions in order to escape from his own apartment.
First released
Jul 17, 2004
SH4, SH4: The Room
Silent Hill
Developed by
Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo, Team Silent
Published by
PlayStation 2, Xbox, PC
CERO: 15+, PEGI: 18+, ESRB: M, BBFC: 18, CERO: C
  • PC - Silent Hill 4: The Room United Kingdom
  • PC - Silent Hill 4: The Room United States
  • PS2 - Silent Hill 4: The Room Japan
  • PS2 - Silent Hill 4: The Room United States
  • PS2 - Silent Hill 4: The Room United Kingdom
  • PS2 - The Silent Hill Collection United Kingdom
  • PS2 - Silent Hill 4: The Room (Konami the Best) Japan
  • PS3N - Silent Hill 4: The Room (PS2 Classics) Japan
  • XBOX - Silent Hill 4: The Room United States
  • XBOX - Silent Hill 4: The Room United Kingdom

Community reviews

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Deserves more of a remaster than SH2 tbh
It's got decent themes of isolation and neglect, but the story structure in which it's conveyed in isn't the best, I feel as though this is echoed with it's level sequence.
The whole room part of it is ahead of it's time so it's weird to also see worse escorting mechanics than something like RE4 which came out just 6 months later.
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Muy Bueno (8)
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