Into the Breach (2018)

4.24 from 38 votes
Mechs defend Earth from giant bugs in this tactics game from the creators of FTL.
First released
Feb 27, 2018
Developed by
Subset Games
Published by
Subset Games
Mac, PC, iPhone, iPad, Android, Linux, Nintendo Switch, Google Stadia
Sci-Fi, Post-Apocalyptic
  • IPHN - Into the Breach United States
  • LIN - Into the Breach (Linux update on Steam) United States
  • MAC - Into the Breach United States
  • NSW - Into the Breach United States
  • PC - Into the Breach United States

Community reviews

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R$ 0,00
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A unique game with great combat system that looks like a puzzle sometimes.
The art is pretty good and the sounds are decent. The way it handles achievements is very well thought cause by getting them you can unlock new squads to play with and find new ways of beating the levels with different pilots and playstyles so it never gets boring. It can be very challenging but also very casual experience.

Overall really enjoyable and satisfactory gameplay that's great at what it proposes to do.
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Darkadia community stats

210 users have this game in their library 13 users have this game in their wishlist 18 users love this game 6 users are playing this game 41 users have completed this game