Marvel's Spider-Man (2018)

4.44 from 211 votes
An Insomniac game exclusively for PlayStation 4 where Spider-Man strives to stop Mister Negative's terrorist plot against the city of New York.
First released
Sep 7, 2018
Spider-Man, Marvel, Marvel's Spider-Man
Developed by
Insomniac Games, Nixxes Software BV
Published by
Sony Interactive Entertainment America, PlayStation PC
PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
Superhero, Comic Book
  • PS4 - Marvel's Spider-Man United States
  • PS4 - Marvel's Spider-Man United Kingdom

Community reviews

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2 out of 2 people found this review helpful
So satisfying!
Such an amazing and satisfying game. I really loved the amount of suits this game has. The combat was so well thought and web swinging was applied sooo amazingly well. web swinging is super satisfying. This game is everything one expects from a Spider-Man game but better. The complaint I have though is that this game has too much peaceful (non intense) times. Then it suddenly gives the sinister six and none of them fought like an intense boss. But still a great game.
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Muy bueno
Historia muy buena
Movimiento impresionante
Buen combate
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Darkadia community stats

921 users have this game in their library 97 users have this game in their wishlist 185 users love this game 34 users are playing this game 367 users have completed this game