Destiny 2 (2017)

3.53 from 77 votes
The full-fledged follow-up to Bungie's sci-fi "looter shooter", streamlining much of the previous game's mechanics while featuring larger worlds and new abilities. It was later made free-to-play.
First released
Sep 6, 2017
Developed by
Bungie, Blizzard Albany, High Moon Studios, Inc.
Published by
Activision, Bungie
PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Google Stadia, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
Role-Playing, First-Person Shooter
Fantasy, Sci-Fi
  • PC - Destiny 2 United States
  • PS4 - Destiny 2 United States
  • STAD - Destiny 2 United States
  • XONE - Destiny 2 United States

Community reviews

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Absolutely not the game for me personally.
I did not like Destiny 2. Although my reasons are entirely personal, I just could not get into it. I never liked service model games to start with, and Destiny 2 is no exception.

From the start, I could not care less about the main story of the game. There is a whole universe of lore, story, events, memorable characters etc., but for some reason, I could not give a flying sh!t. I created my character, finished the tutorial and already felt pointless and bored. Normally I would “educate” the reader of my reviews with a quick recap of the story or main goal, but in this case, I just cared too less.

I played some missions and quests but nothing felt like it mattered. I go to the location, kill stuff, complete the mission, earn my rewards and felt hollow inside afterwards. The thought of repeating this process until I grew to a certain level pained me, and when reaching level ten or so, I was done.

Graphicly, I think Destiny 2 is boring. It is blend, stale and flat. The worst environment with these graphics is the Central Hub location. Weapons and animations look well and polished enough, but the color pallet is just boring.

Sound wise, I think this is one of the worst I have played. Sound effects and music is so generic and dull, and distant enemies do almost not make any sound or grunts at all.

The controls and menus were horrendous and really hard to figure out and understand for me, and the sleek, SQL database design of it did not appeal to me.

Loot was absolutely pointless in my opinion. You get the same weapon or armor twenty million times, but with a different rarity or color. The stats meant nothing to me and I had no freaking clue wat was good and wat was bad. The numbers showed me that an item was way better than the previous one, but when equipping it, I did not notice any difference.

Destiny 2 has a certain “theme/skin/feel” that is the same as games like Anthem or Starfield (in hindsight). It is hard to explain, but revolves about the look of the inventory screens, stat screens, quest markers, etc. It is purely based on the menus and inventory management. For me, that was a problem, because Anthem was one of the worst games I ever played in terms of boredom.

The feeling of a freemium game in which you complete generic missions over and over and over again is just not for me. I constantly got the feeling that I could achieve nothing, unless I pulled out my wallet, although this is technically not the case.

Because the game is “Freemium”, you constantly get confronted with “deals”, “special offers”, “new store items”, and “best values” from the in game store. In the menu’s, at the start screen, at every interactable screen, it just felt like playing a online webstore in a browser. I understand it, because of its model, but I just don’t like microtransactions in games in general and, in hindsight, it is just better for me not to play this kind of games at all.

In conclusion, my own personal experience with Destiny 2 was very miserable. I hated every second of it and was bored out of my mind the second I even started the tutorial.

I personally would not recommend this game.
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This game isn't even close to perfect, but i still love it for its combat and playing with friends.
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