Valkyria Revolution (2017)

3.59 from 6 votes
A spinoff story within the Valkyria Chronicles franchise that follows a unit of Jutland soldiers as they attempt to gain freedom from the colonial rule of the Ruzhien Empire.
First released
Jan 19, 2017
Valkyria of the Blue Revolution, Valkyria: Azure Revolution
Valkyria Chronicles
Developed by
Media.Vision Entertainment Inc., FlightUNIT, Atlus U.S.A., Inc.
Published by
Sega, Deep Silver
PlayStation Vita, PlayStation Network (Vita), Xbox One, PlayStation 4
Action, Role-Playing
Fantasy, Alternate Historical, Steampunk, Anime
  • PS4 - Valkyria: Azure Revolution Japan
  • PS4 - Valkyria Revolution United States
  • PS4 - Valkyria Revolution United Kingdom
  • PSNV - Valkyria: Azure Revolution Japan
  • PSNV - Valkyria Revolution United States
  • VITA - Valkyria: Azure Revolution Japan
  • VITA - Valkyria Revolution United Kingdom
  • XONE - Valkyria Revolution United States
  • XONE - Valkyria Revolution United Kingdom

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For Jutland
I really enjoyed the 60+ hours I spent with Valkyria Revolution. It is funny I got the game on PS4 when it first came out and I might have got to chapter 2 then put it down. It wasn't until I got the game on PS Vita that I really started to play it. I bought it when the PSN Vita store was going to shut down. I never intended to 100% the game I just wanted to have the Vita version before it would be gone forever. When I tried it out on Vita I got hooked and couldn't put it down until I did everything. Just wanted to say that before the review.

Story: 8.5/10

-Valkyria Revolution is a spin-off title in the Valkyria Chronicles series that has a surprisingly good story. The basic plot without spoiling too much is 5 orphans manipulate the country of Jutland to start a War with the Rosie Empire so they can get revenge on the Emperor who killed their family. It is a basic revenge story but what I like about it is they don't side with the "revenge is bad" trope that a lot of other stories go with. The 5 orphans revenge plot actually improves the lives of the people of Jutland so there are characters like Princess of Jutland Ophelia who question maybe their revenge plot might be for the best. 

-As for the characters they are all pretty well written and fun to watch. In typical Valkyria fashion, most of the characters seem pretty one note at first, but their side stories that tell more of their backgrounds do a good job at fleshing out them as believable people. That side content is told through optional memories that you have to view outside the main story. I highly recommend watching the memories because it really adds to the story in a big way. Overall by the end of the game, I was a bit sad knowing this is the end of the stories for these characters. I would love to see their adventures continued in some way.

Gameplay: 8/10

-The game at its core is a hack and slash. It does a good job of mixing the turn-based elements of the typical Valkyria Chronicles game with real-time action. You can freely move around and attack, but you do have an action meter that you need to wait until it is full to perform an action like attack or use a sub-weapon. It fills up quickly enough but it is affected by the war gauge. Basically, when you start off any battle there is a bar on top of the screen that shows which side has the advantage. The higher your side advantage is the quicker your action meter fills up. When you get the advance on your side full the game basically turns into a hack and slash like Dynasty Warriors. There is no wait in between attacks. It is a good system that leans into action but still has some strategy elements that fans are familiar with.

-Outside of combat you can do the typical RPG stuff. Like talk to party members, shops, upgrade, etc... 

Final Thoughts: Recommend

-I highly recommend the game. If you are a fan of JRPGs it is a good one. I would say get the Vita version if you can. It is like the game is meant for handheld play. The missions are short (10-15min) so pick up and play is easy, and the story is good enough to keep you playing to the end.

-The only real problem I ran into is the 2nd to last story mission is unfair. It's like a 30 min mission that you have to fight through hoards of enemies and then you have to fight a boss that has a one-hit kill AOE attack. And when you died you have to do the entire mission from the start... Also the trophy "Golden Flower Commemoration Medal" is a huge grind to get the $300,000. That trophy alone added 4hrs of grinding to my playthrough. 
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