Relive the action of all four Jurassic Park films - in LEGO video game form!
First released
Jun 12, 2015
LEGO, Jurassic Park
Developed by
Traveller's Tales Ltd.
Published by
WB Games
Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Network (PS3), PC, Nintendo 3DS, Android, PlayStation Vita, Wii U, PlayStation Network (Vita), Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch
ESRB: E10+, PEGI: 7+, OFLC: PG
3DS - LEGO Jurassic World United Kingdom
3DS - LEGO Jurassic World United States
3DS - LEGO Jurassic World Australia
NSW - LEGO Jurassic World United States
NSW - LEGO Jurassic World (Digital) United States
PS3 - LEGO Jurassic World United States
PS3N - LEGO Jurassic World United States
PS4 - LEGO Jurassic World United States
PSNV - LEGO Jurassic World United States
VITA - LEGO Jurassic World United States
WiiU - LEGO Jurassic World United States
X360 - LEGO Jurassic World United States
XONE - LEGO Jurassic World United States
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