Inside (2016)

4.23 from 128 votes
A game from Limbo developers, Playdead, set in a dystopian environment.
First released
Jun 29, 2016
Playdead's Inside
Developed by
Published by
Playdead, iam8bit
PC, iPhone, iPad, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch
Puzzle, Platformer
ESRB: M, PEGI: 18+
  • NSW - Inside United States
  • PC - Inside United States
  • PS4 - INSIDE (Digital) United Kingdom
  • PS4 - Inside United States
  • XONE - Inside United States

Community reviews

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Awesome experience.
This is a really well made game. Even though I still have no clue what happened in the ending, or what this game portrayed, but it was a really fun experience. I couldn't get bored from this game. Each part is so well designed, it's awesome.
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Excelente (9)
Es un juego tranquilo, con numerosos puzles, muy original y de gran creatividad, te transmite unas sensaciones incribles. Cuando lo juegas te das cuenta que es un juego diferente y único, con un argumento que deja volar tu imaginación. A parte de ser un videojuego muy bien hecho, tras su aparente sencillez se esconde una obra maestra, aunque no es para todos los gustos.
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Darkadia community stats

550 users have this game in their library 43 users have this game in their wishlist 58 users love this game 5 users are playing this game 209 users have completed this game