LEGO returns to Middle-earth with this video game adaptation of the first two Hobbit movies.
First released
Apr 8, 2014
LEGO, The Lord of the Rings
Developed by
TT Games, TT Fusion, Traveller's Tales Ltd.
Published by
WB Games
Mac, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Network (PS3), PC, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation Vita, Wii U, PlayStation Network (Vita), Xbox One, PlayStation 4
ESRB: E10+, OFLC: PG, PEGI: 7+
3DS - LEGO The Hobbit United States
3DS - LEGO The Hobbit Australia
PC - LEGO The Hobbit (Steam) United States
PC - LEGO The Hobbit Australia
PS3 - LEGO The Hobbit United States
PS3 - LEGO The Hobbit Australia
PS4 - LEGO The Hobbit United States
PS4 - LEGO The Hobbit Australia
VITA - LEGO The Hobbit United States
VITA - LEGO The Hobbit Australia
WiiU - LEGO The Hobbit United States
WiiU - LEGO The Hobbit Australia
WiiU - LEGO The Hobbit United Kingdom
X360 - LEGO The Hobbit United States
X360 - LEGO The Hobbit Australia
XONE - LEGO The Hobbit United States
XONE - LEGO The Hobbit Australia
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283 users have this game in their library21 users have this game in their wishlist3 users love this game10 users are playing this game35 users have completed this game