Silent Hill (1999)

4.24 from 129 votes
Everyman Harry Mason searches the desolate town of Silent Hill for his missing daughter in the first of a series of survival horror titles that rely more on unsettling atmosphere than jump scares for tension.
First released
Jan 31, 1999
Silent Hill
Developed by
Team Silent, Konami
Published by
PlayStation, PlayStation Network (PS3), PlayStation Network (PSP), PlayStation Network (Vita)
ESRB: M, BBFC: 15, PEGI: 16+
  • PS1 - Silent Hill United States
  • PS1 - Silent Hill United Kingdom
  • PS1 - Silent Hill (Greatest Hits) United States
  • PS1 - Silent Hill Japan
  • PS3N - Silent Hill United Kingdom
  • PSNV - Silent Hill United Kingdom
  • PSPN - Silent Hill United Kingdom

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the GRANDFATHER of psychological horror!
i was told to play silent hill by my best friend, who talked about it all the time. i hated horror in every aspect, so i was on the fence about it. i'm so glad i decided to play it though! i was told to start with two for the best experience (a piece of advice i'd extend to anyone today), but i went with the first game for that Original PS1 Experience(tm).

this game is by no means perfect, but it's a great introduction to the series! the plot kept me on my toes, and i was just as desperate to find cheryl as harry was. i got the true/hidden ending, which is the best ending for this game (and continues to SH3).

the combat is clunky, and a few of the puzzles were confusing (looking at you, piano puzzle...), but i feel like the sinister, bizarre plot makes up for that! i hold the belief that bad gameplay doesn't always equal a bad game. there's exceptions, but silent hill is still a great game, even if the gameplay has aged.

this game made me want to piss my pants though. it's not the scariest game i've ever played, but boy i'm a scaredy cat! i have an appreciation for games that utilize atmosphere more than jumpscares. i think that's a piece of advice other horror games should take!

all in all, play silent hill if you want a retro horror experience! trust me, you won't regret it!

anyways, if you've read this far... have you seen a little girl around here? short, black hair? seven years old? her name is cheryl!
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