Sonic Lost World (2013)

2.97 from 30 votes
Sonic and Dr. Eggman unite to take down the Deadly Six as they explore the Lost World in a new platformer exclusive to Nintendo systems.
First released
Oct 18, 2013
Sonic the Hedgehog
Developed by
Sonic Team, Dimps Corporation, Imagica Digitalscape Co., Ltd., inbound
Published by
Sega, Nintendo
PC, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS eShop, Wii U
ESRB: E10+, PEGI: 7+
  • 3DS - Sonic Lost World United States
  • 3DS - Sonic Lost World United Kingdom
  • 3DSE - Sonic Lost World United States
  • PC - Sonic Lost World United Kingdom
  • WiiU - Sonic Lost World Japan
  • WiiU - Sonic Lost World (Deadly Six Bonus Edition) United States
  • WiiU - Sonic Lost World United Kingdom
  • WiiU - Sonic Lost World Deadly Six Edition United Kingdom

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Sonic Lost World feels like a Super Mario Galaxy/3D World but lacks the charm in its gameplay
Game: Sonic Lost World
Genre: Adventure Platformer
Developer: Sonic Team
Publisher: SEGA
System: Steam (PC)
Year of Release: 2015
Length of Playthrough: 6 Hours

Total Score: 81/100
Value Score: 8.1/10

• Story: 8/10
• Characters: 9/10
• GamePlay: 8/10
• Graphics: 9/10
• Sound: 10/10
• Music: 8/10
• Length: 5/10
• Replay Value: 7/10
• Player Value: 7/10

+Level design and art design looks like Super Mario Galaxy/Super Mario 3D World, very appealing
+Gameplay style is similar to Generations where part of the game is 2D Sonic style and the other part is 3D Sonic style
+A storyline with CG cutscenes and fully voiced characters
+Item usage which allows you to get rings, extra lives or shields
+Wisps allow you to use special abilities which alter the gameplay
+Nightmare DLC available with the game
+Contains all content from the WiiU version (minus the Nintendo DLCs)
+60 FPS and higher resolution support compared to the 3DS and WiiU versions

-Game is short
-Game can be tedious in difficulty at times when it comes to some level designs
-Bosses are too easy and battles are too short
-Some parts of the game put you in situations where it would have been better if explained via a tutorial otherwise it takes a few times to figure out a part where you would get stuck
-3DS version wisps are missing
-Lacks the Zelda and Yoshi DLCs that the WiiU version had
-Multiplayer mode from the WiiU version is not included in this version
-Although the game recommends a controller , the map menu requires you to use the mouse as there are no buttons to select the icons (due to the fact that the game was on the WiiU and the gamepad touchscreen was its main control for the map screen
-The L3 stick is used to open up the item menu, which can in some cases open up while you are moving and accidentally clicking on it, which stops Sonic in movement


Game: Sonic Lost World
Genre: Adventure Platformer
Developer: Sonic Team
Publisher: SEGA
System: Nintendo 3DS (3DS)
Year of Release: 2013
Length of Playthrough: 6 Hours

Total Score: 52/100
Value Score: 5.2/10

• Story: 4/10
• Characters: 5/10
• GamePlay: 2/10
• Graphics: 7/10
• Sound: 7/10
• Music: 10/10
• Length: 4/10
• Replay Value: 1/10
• Player Value: 2/10

+Decent visuals and soundtrack

-Missing a lot of stages/levels from the console/PC port
-Frustrating controls and camera size, high chance of falling into pits or running into enemies
-Stages changed completely and involve annoying puzzles, regular enemies that take longer to kill than bosses
-Missing characters and cutscenes
-3DS version cutscenes are heavily pixelated
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