The House of the Dead 2

3.62 from 17 votes
2 years after the Curien Mansion incident, strange activity has been coming from the city of Venice. The AMS has sent several agents to investigate the strange disappearance of locals there, but are you prepared for what lies ahead of you as one of them?
First released
House of the Dead
Developed by
Sega, Wow Entertainment, Inc.
Published by
Empire Interactive Entertainment
Xbox, Wii, Dreamcast, Arcade, PC
Action, Shooter, Shoot 'Em Up
Horror, Sci-Fi, Crime
ESRB: M, PEGI: 16+
  • ARC - The House of the Dead 2 Japan
  • ARC - The House of the Dead 2 United States
  • ARC - The House of the Dead 2 United Kingdom
  • DC - The House of the Dead 2 United States
  • PC - The House of the Dead 2 United States
  • Wii - The House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return United States
  • Wii - The House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return United Kingdom

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