As Dylan Morton and Regina, fight your through countless dinosaurs to uncover the mystery of how an island was to vanish from the face of the earth.
First released
Sep 13, 2000
Developed by
Capcom Production Studio 4
Published by
Capcom, Virgin Interactive Entertainment (Europe) Ltd., Virgin Interactive Entertainment, Inc.
PlayStation, PlayStation Network (PS3), PC, PlayStation Network (PSP)
Shooter, Action-Adventure
Sci-Fi, Modern Military, Prehistoric
BBFC: 15, ESRB: M, CERO: 15+, CERO: C
- PC - Dino Crisis 2 United States
- PC - Dino Crisis 2 United Kingdom
- PC - Dino Crisis 2 Japan
- PC - Dino Crisis 2 United States
- PS1 - Dino Crisis 2 United Kingdom
- PS1 - Dino Crisis 2 United States
- PS1 - Dino Crisis 2 Japan
- PS3N - Dino Crisis 2 United States
- PS3N - Dino Crisis 2 Japan
- PSPN - Dino Crisis 2 Japan