Call of Duty: Black Ops II (2012)

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The Black Ops storyline continues, switching the past Cold War from the game's predecessor to future 2025, as a new Cold War between U.S.A. and China flares up due to the actions of one vengeful drug-runner.
First released
Nov 13, 2012
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, Black Ops II, BLOPS 2, BLOPS II, CODBLOPS 2, CODBLOPS II, コール オブ デューティ ブラックオプスII
Call of Duty, Black Ops
Developed by
Published by
Activision, Square Enix
Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 Games Store, PlayStation Network (PS3), PC, Wii U
First-Person Shooter
Horror, Sci-Fi, Modern Military
ESRB: M, PEGI: 18+, OFLC: MA15+, CERO: Z
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  • PS3 - Call of Duty: Black Ops II (Japanese Dub) Japan
  • PS3 - Call of Duty: Black Ops II United States
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*Warning: Spoilers* Weird but satisfying sequel to the first Black Ops game.
I was kind of done with the Call of Duty series but, because Call of Duty: Black Ops was such a pleasant surprise back then, I played this one as well.

Right of the bat, Call of Duty: Black Ops II is a wild ride. Instead of focusing on some historical events or scenarios like the previous games, it is all over the place. Some action in 1986 Afghanistan, invading Panama, Cyberattacks in 2021, Chinese Cold war in 2025, it is one crazy mess to say the least.

You start in the final years of the Cold War as Alex Mason, the main, brainwashed, protagonist from the first Black Ops Game. You learn that during your little mission on Cuba, a new villain is in town, namely Menendez, who was responsible for torturing and killing your old squad buddies. You share this intel with the CIA and a strike against Menendez is ordered. A mission in Afghanistan is ordered and you meet up with Tian Zhao, who helps you find Colonel Lev Kravchenko, the guy that knows who in the CIA is providing Menendez with his intel.

Menendez fakes his own death after learning that the CIA is on his heels, and as time flies into the modern age, he eventually returns and uses the power of the 21th century to unleash drones and military satellites onto the United States. Meanwhile, a new Cold War with China in 2025 is going on, mainly via Cyber-attacks and secret assassinations.

After some weird and epic combat in the year 2025, which includes jetpacks, mobile computer powered shields, semi-space laser guns, mech suits, and fighting in floating cities, you track down Menendez in Haiti where you capture his ass and can decide his fate. Depending on what you choose, a different ending plays.

The addition of branched storylines is nice, and introduces new perspectives and endings for the game. If you screw up a choice in one of the strike Missions, or let a certain character die, it does not return and you may need to start your campaign over. I have to give it to them, that is some innovative stuff right there. And then, there is the “dancing” ending which is hilarious but unnecessary at the same time.

In terms of graphics, it looks like they changed it up a bit. Although it is still the same engine, if I am not mistaken, somehow it looks much nicer and more polished. The new futuristic lighting effects and lasers also made an impression on me.

Because of the whole 2025 theme, new and improved sound effects are also a nice bonus and satisfied my ears.

Combat wise, it is smooth as ever, and with the new jump, fly and glide mechanics, it feels like you have some more control over the situation and can approach some battles from new angles.

The zombie mode is also back, stronger than ever. With each release of this mode, more story and depth is put into it, keeping it fun to play.

I cannot believe I am saying this, but I actually enjoyed Call of Duty: Black Ops II. I thought I was done with the series, but like the first Black Ops game, this one surprised me. It is no masterpiece or something, but the most fun I had since the previous game.

Overall, a good experience with (finally) some innovation.

Definitely recommend this one.
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One of the good ones!
This one was also amazing and one of the OG! I always love the unique parts of COD missions and I remember feeling so cool using that spider robot thingy.
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