X-Men single-player game featuring a branching storyline that puts the player in the shoes of a rookie X-Man, written by Mike Carey, who also wrote the X-Men: Legacy comic books.
First released
Sep 27, 2011
Developed by
Silicon Knights, Inc., Marvel Studios, Other Ocean Interactive
Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, Nintendo DS, Xbox 360 Games Store
Action, Role-Playing, Action-Adventure
Superhero, Comic Book
ESRB: E10+, ESRB: T, PEGI: 16+
- DS - X-Men: Destiny United States
- DS - X-Men: Destiny United Kingdom
- DS - X-Men: Destiny Australia
- PS3 - X-Men: Destiny United States
- PS3 - X-Men: Destiny United Kingdom
- PS3 - X-Men: Destiny Australia
- Wii - X-Men: Destiny United States
- Wii - X-Men: Destiny United Kingdom
- Wii - X-Men: Destiny Australia
- X360 - X-Men: Destiny United States
- X360 - X-Men: Destiny United Kingdom
- X360 - X-Men: Destiny Australia
- XBGS - X-Men: Destiny United States