Great but flawed game
Found a good offer and finally jumped on the game. A game I had wishlisted since a while and that got good reviews. The graphics of this game are totally amazing, it's certainly one of the most beautiful games on the 3DS. It looks even better than most Wii Games I've played! Great effects, great character models and beautiful sceneries. Also, the stereo 3D effect is quite good.
The soundtrack is totally awesome too and certainly on par with Smash Bros' OST, made by a great cast of composers (Noriyuki Iwadare, Yasunori Mitsuda, Motoi Sakuraba...) that couldn't disappoint in my opinion.
Uprising is a great game overall, but I must mention the controls, especially for the land segments of the levels. You basically have 2 parts in each stage: aerial phase and land phase. Aerial phase is really good, I have nothing to complain here. But the land phases are quite bothering since the game requires either the stylus (recommended) or the face buttons for aiming, so you don't have many buttons left for other actions like shooting, dodging, using skills and driving. You must use the circle pad in different ways to do many actions and very often you won't do what you wanted to do and cause frustration.
The camera system isn't very good either, you'll find yourself in a lot of situations where you are attacked by enemies outside of the screen. I tried a lot of settings but none were satisfying enough.
10 hours to beat the game is satisfying but there are more things to do after beating the game (like trying harder difficulty settings or crafting better weapons, finding hidden zones in every level...).
Kid Icarus Uprising is a great game that could have been even better if it didn't have such terrible controls and camera. Maybe it's a bit better when using the stand but I didn't have one.
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