GoldenEye 007 (1997)

4.13 from 135 votes
A first-person shooter for the Nintendo 64 and a video game tie-in with the 1995 James Bond film GoldenEye. It paved the way for a long line of shooter games based on the universe of the British secret agent and is often credited for helping establish first-person shooters for consoles.
First released
Aug 23, 1997
GoldenEye 007, James Bond
Developed by
Rare, Ltd., Code Mystics
Published by
Nintendo, Gradiente
Nintendo 64, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S
First-Person Shooter
Sci-Fi, Espionage, Modern Military
BBFC: 15, ESRB: T, OFLC: MA15+
  • N64 - GoldenEye 007 United Kingdom
  • N64 - GoldenEye 007 Japan
  • N64 - GoldenEye 007 United States
  • N64 - GoldenEye 007 Australia
  • N64 - GoldenEye 007 (Player's Choice) United States

Community reviews

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A top drawer single-player and multiplayer experience
Normally when I rate games it's either more as a multiplayer experience (Super Smash Bros) or a single-player experience (Mario 64); this however, was both. The single-player really sucked me in, the visuals were great at the time and the soundtrack is still one of my favourites in game history. On the multiplayer front it was amazing for it's time, I had countless games with my family as a kid and the game enjoyed a comeback in my second year of university when me and my housemates regularly played it. Sure everyone seemed to have massive amounts of health but the gun modes, game modes (man with the glden gun) and maps are all top drawer. Yet another classic N64 game.
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