Star Arthur Densetsu I: Wakusei Mephius

An early sci-fi Japanese adventure game developed and published by T&E Soft in 1983, about the adventures of Star Arthur on his quest to obtain the legendary energy sword and stop the Jyamil empire from terrorizing the galaxy.
First released
Legend of Star Arthur
Developed by
T&E Soft, Inc.
Published by
T&E Soft, Inc.
MSX, PC, NEC PC-8801, NEC PC-9801, Sharp X1, FM-7, NEC PC-6001, Sharp MZ
Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Anime
  • 6001 - Star Arthur Densetsu I: Wakusei Mephius Japan
  • FM7 - Star Arthur Densetsu I: Wakusei Mephius Japan
  • MSX - Wakusei Mephius Japan
  • PC - Star Arthur Densetsu I: Wakusei Mephius Japan

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