An arcade game that debuted Nintendo's Punch-Out franchise. It released in Japan in 1983, and in North America and Europe in 1984. It was a technical breakthrough, for its large detailed sprites, over-the-shoulder perspective, and gameplay innovations such as the player stamina meter, enemy stamina meter, recharging health and dodging mechanics.
Punch-Out, Arcade Archives
Developed by
Nintendo R&D1, Nintendo R&D3
Published by
Nintendo, HAMSTER Corporation
Arcade, Nintendo Switch
Action, Fighting, Boxing
- ARC - Punch-Out!! United States
- ARC - Punch-Out!! Japan
- ARC - Punch-Out!! United Kingdom
- NSW - Arcade Archives: Punch-Out!! United States
- NSW - Arcade Archives: Punch-Out!! United Kingdom
- NSW - Arcade Archives: Punch-Out!! Japan