American McGee's Alice (2000)

3.64 from 63 votes
American McGee's Alice is a pseudo-sequel to Lewis Carroll's classic. Alice, scarred by a horrific childhood trauma, must return to a dark, nightmarish version of Wonderland. Alice must restore its former harmony by defeating the Queen of Hearts in order to vanquish her own inner demons.
First released
Oct 6, 2000
American McGee's Alice, Alice in Wonderland
Developed by
Rogue Entertainment, Westlake Interactive
Published by
Aspyr Media, Inc., EA Games
Mac, Xbox 360, Xbox 360 Games Store, PC
Puzzle, Platformer, Action-Adventure
Horror, Fantasy
ESRB: M, PEGI: 16+
  • MAC - American McGee's Alice United States
  • PC - American McGee's Alice United States
  • PC - American McGee's Alice United Kingdom

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