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Intended to be a spiritual successor to the Double Dragon fighting game, Rage of the Dragons is 2D tag-team fighting game for the Neo Geo.
First released
Sep 20, 2002
Developed by
Noise Factory, BrezzaSoft, Evoga
Published by
SNK, Piko Interactive LLC, QuByte Interactive
Neo Geo, Arcade, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S
Martial Arts
NEO - Rage of the Dragons United States
NEO - Rage of the Dragons Japan
NSW - Rage of the Dragons Neo United States
PC - Rage of the Dragons Neo United States
PS4 - Rage of the Dragons Neo United States
PS5 - Rage of the Dragons Neo United States
XONE - Rage of the Dragons Neo United States
XSX - Rage of the Dragons Neo United States
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5 users have this game in their library1 user has this game in their wishlist0 users love this game0 users are playing this game1 user has completed this game