Mass Effect 2 (2010)

4.51 from 602 votes
After a violent death by an unknown force and a timely reanimation by the human supremacist organization Cerberus, Commander Shepard must assemble a new squad in the seedier side of the galaxy for a suicide mission in the second installment of the "Mass Effect" trilogy.
First released
Jan 26, 2010
Mass Effect
Developed by
BioWare, Sonic Mayhem
Published by
Electronic Arts
Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Network (PS3), PC
Role-Playing, Action-Adventure
ESRB: M, BBFC: 15, PEGI: 18+, OFLC: MA15+, CERO: D, PEGI: 16+
  • PC - Mass Effect 2 United Kingdom
  • PC - Mass Effect 2 United States
  • PC - Mass Effect 2 (Collector's Edition) Australia
  • PC - Mass Effect 2 (Collector's Edition) United States
  • PC - Mass Effect 2 Australia
  • PC - Mass Effect 2 (Collector's Edition) United Kingdom
  • PC - Mass Effect 2 Digital Deluxe Edition United Kingdom
  • PS3 - Mass Effect 2 United Kingdom
  • PS3 - Mass Effect 2 Australia
  • PS3 - Mass Effect 2 United States
  • PS3 - Mass Effect 2 Japan
  • PS3 - Mass Effect Trilogy United States
  • PS3N - Mass Effect 2 United States
  • PS3N - Mass Effect 2 United Kingdom
  • X360 - Mass Effect 2 (Collector's Edition) United States
  • X360 - Mass Effect 2 United Kingdom
  • X360 - Mass Effect 2 United States
  • X360 - Mass Effect 2 Japan
  • X360 - Mass Effect 2 (Collector's Edition) Australia
  • X360 - Mass Effect 2 Australia
  • X360 - Mass Effect 2 (Collector's Edition) United Kingdom

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Mass Effect 2 is an amazing Sequel to an Amazing Game!
Game: Mass Effect 2
Genre: Third Person Shooter - RPG
Developer: Bioware/EA
System: Steam (PC)
Total Score: 95/100
Value Score: 9.5/10

• Story: 10/10
• Characters: 10/10
• GamePlay: 9/10
• Graphics: 8/10
• Sound: 10/10
• Music: 8/10
• Length: 10/10
• Replay Value: 10/10
• Player Value: 10/10

+Storyline elements from the first game are retained with Paragon/Renegade choices which lead to different results and scenarios.
+Fantastic voice acting
+Save files from ME1 can be imported to ME2 and ME2 save files can be exported to ME3
+New DLC content is heavy with Storyline elements
+Ability to collect figurines of ships and artifacts
+Achievement system specifically designed for ME2 is included
+Ability to scan planets and explore the galaxy is much better than the first game unlike the first game where you go through barren planets.
+Side missions are more beneficial and much more exciting and challenging than the first game.

-The ability to alter a character's appearance depending on what equipment they have on no longer exists
-No more armor equipment for any characters, only weapons
-Class system still exists but barebones compared to the original
-Game is more of a Shooter than a RPG unlike the first game
-DLC is expensive and can only be obtained either via Amazon or Bioware Store
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A sci-fi masterpiece
There is nothing bad I can say about this game. It pretty much single-handedly got me back into sci-fi in a big way. Great characters, great plot, massive worlds and seemingly endless scope for exploration. This thing sucked me in like few games do and I couldn't get enough of it. One of the truly great games on PS3 that's for sure.
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