BioShock 2 (2010)

3.85 from 422 votes
Ten years after the events of the first game, Subject Delta is awoken and must unravel the mystery behind the Big Sisters and his own past in the ruined underwater city of Rapture.
First released
Feb 9, 2010
BioShock 2: Sea of Dreams
Developed by
2K Marin, Digital Extremes, Arkane Studios, 2K Australia, 2K China, Darkside Game Studios, Iron Galaxy Studios, Feral Interactive
Published by
2K Games, Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.
Mac, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Network (PS3), PC
First-Person Shooter, Action-Adventure
ESRB: M, BBFC: 18, OFLC: MA15+
  • NSW - BioShock: The Collection United States
  • PC - BioShock 2 United States
  • PC - BioShock 2 United Kingdom
  • PC - BioShock 2 Australia
  • PC - Bioshock 2 (Rapture Edition) Australia
  • PC - Bioshock 2 (Collector's Edition) Australia
  • PC - BioShock 2 (Special Edition) United States
  • PC - BioShock 2 (Special Edition) United Kingdom
  • PC - Bioshock 2 (Special Edition) Australia
  • PS3 - BioShock 2 United States
  • PS3 - BioShock 2 United Kingdom
  • PS3 - BioShock 2 Australia
  • PS3 - BioShock 2 (Rapture Edition) Australia
  • PS3 - BioShock 2 (Collector's Edition) Australia
  • PS3 - BioShock 2 (Special Edition) United States
  • PS3 - Bioshock: Ultimate Rapture Edition United Kingdom
  • PS3 - Bioshock: Ultimate Rapture Edition Australia
  • PS3N - Bioshock 2 United States
  • PS3N - BioShock 2 Complete Pack United Kingdom
  • X360 - BioShock 2 United States
  • X360 - BioShock 2 United Kingdom
  • X360 - BioShock 2 Australia
  • X360 - BioShock 2 (Rapture Edition) Australia
  • X360 - BioShock 2 (Collector's Edition) Australia
  • X360 - BioShock 2 (Special Edition) United States
  • X360 - Bioshock: Ultimate Rapture Edition Australia

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Jogo também disponivel na plataforma GOG - 20/01/2025
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*Warning: spoilers* Perfect sequel to the original
The first BioShock was, and still is, the best game I played in my life and BioShock 2 is in every way an amazing sequel that follows the story from the first game very well. Everywhere are pieces of the story that fits perfectly with the whole series. History from the first game, the founding of Rapture and the many mad scientist experiments that happened there.

You play as a Big Daddy this time, so the perspective is completely different. You feel like a Bouncer Big Daddy right away from the start of the game. It is a really great idea.

The graphics and gameplay in BioShock 2 have been greatly improved. It has the same atmosphere and feeling like the first game but looks way nicer. The mechanics, like dual wielding plasmids and guns is also a big plus. The sound is also improved, when you shoot the living sh!t out of a splicer, you hear your bullets impact in their twisted body’s.

The new weapons and enemies in the game are very well balanced and add new strategies you can use to defend yourself against enemies, like the hack tool turrets for example.

The game has the same moral decisions from the first game. How you treat people in this game determines your ending. I, of course, am a good guy so I saved everything and everyone.

There were some minor irritations like the hacked security bots that constantly blocks your movement in small spaces and the same goes for Eleanor when you rescued her. Also, the constant “father, father I love you father, we will be together father, oh father” got really on my nerves sometimes but despite this the game was good, incredibly good.

I had some technical issues in the beginning where the difficulty kept resetting itself but thanks to a tip from a Steam community member if fixed this.

The DLC is fun to play and rewards you with special items.

The strong story is the best part of this game and because of it, along with the improved mechanics and pace, I enjoyed every minute of it.

The original game from 2010 still has the multiplayer function and it is, surprisingly, still active and has a whole community behind it that plays. With this people it is lot of fun to do.

I definitely recommend BioShock 2.
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1 out of 2 people found this review helpful
Bioshock 2 is a good sequel but not as great as Bioshock 1
Game: Bioshock 2
Genre: First Person Shooting - Horror
Developer: 2K Games
System: Steam (PC)
Total Score: 84/100
Value Score: 8.4/10

• Story: 10/10
• Characters: 8/10
• GamePlay: 9/10
• Graphics: 8/10
• Sound: 8/10
• Music: 6/10
• Length: 9/10
• Replay Value: 7/10
• Player Value: 9/10

+Great story and atmosphere just like the first game
+Addition of multiplayer versus modes and characters
+Multiple Endings based on a morale decision you make within the game just like the first game
+Minverva's Den DLC features an additional 2-3 single player campaign with a different cast of characters and story

-Some sound effects do not work at all (this is a known glitch and sadly there is no fix to this) however the DLC sound effects work fine.
-Visuals at certain points in the game look like they are from the 6th gen rather than the 7th gen which Bioshock is from.
-Like the first game some visual effects are in 30 FPS rather than 60 FPS
-Some mechanics from the first game are missing such as the hacking pipes mini game
-At one point in the game there is a sound glitch where it plays the big sister's theme continually until you finish the level
-Some parts in the game felt rushed and out of place - some portions of how some mechanics were introduced were far better represented in the first game than this game such as the introduction of abilities.
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