Brütal Legend (2009)

3.56 from 145 votes
Brütal Legend is a humorous heavy-metal, open-world, action-adventure game with light real-time strategy elements. As Eddie Riggs, lead the people of the Brütal World to rise up against the Tainted Coil demons who rule the world, and their leader, the sinister Emperor Doviculus.
First released
Oct 13, 2009
Brutal Legend
Developed by
Double Fine Productions, Inc.
Published by
Electronic Arts
Mac, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, Linux
Real-Time Strategy, Action-Adventure
Fantasy, Comedy
ESRB: M, BBFC: 18, BBFC: 15, OFLC: MA15+
  • LIN - Brütal Legend (Humble Double Fine Bundle) United States
  • MAC - Brütal Legend (Humble Double Fine Bundle) United States
  • PC - Brütal Legend United States
  • PC - Brütal Legend (Steam) Australia
  • PS3 - Brütal Legend United States
  • PS3 - Brütal Legend United Kingdom
  • PS3 - Brütal Legend Australia
  • X360 - Brütal Legend Australia
  • X360 - Brütal Legend United Kingdom
  • X360 - Brütal Legend United States

Community reviews

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*Warning: spoilers* Excellent game with tons of content
I am a Heavy Metal fan so for me this game could not go wrong from the beginning.

Brütal Legend is a game where you can see that the creators had fun creating it. They put their hearts into it. It's a big project with lot of guests like Ozzy Osbourne, Jack Black as the main character and voices from Rob Halford, Lemmy Kilmister, Lita Ford and many more. The game has a huge open world with tons of stuff to do, tons of stuff to collect and explore and always keeps you busy with side missions and special assignments.

I really like the interaction between all the characters and units, this is a game where you bond with the main character because you are basically playing as Jack Black. The graphics where and still are nice and the gore effects and finishing moves are giving your rampage a boost. Of course, the many metal songs you can play throughout the game makes it even better.

The humor and filthy jokes are also there, especially in the cut scenes and they were a great deal of fun.

I did not like the stage battles to much because the controlling of your units works pretty bad. You must be in range of your units to command them. Also, the battlefields can be a little confusing sometimes and you can quickly lose your overview on the situation. This led to some frustrations but nothing too bad.

There were some frustrations however like the awful stiffness and uncontrollably of the Deuce car which made my blood boil sometimes and I really, really hated the racing side missions because of it and the fact that your opponent smashes you into a full 180 turn when he touches your car.

But despite this I had fun all the way. The game is and always will be a great classic for me and now that I finally fully completed it, I felt it was all worth it.

I absolutely recommend this game to anyone!
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Muy Bueno (8)
Juegos como este hay pocos, es un verdadero regalo para los amantes del heavy metal, la banda sonora es brutal, además es un excelente juego que combina acción, aventura, estrategia, conducción y buen humor en un mundo abierto. Si no te gusta el mundillo metalero el juego te resultará mas normal, pero si te sientes identificado no puedes dejar de jugarlo. Por si fuera poco tiene un excelente doblaje al castellano. A mi me ha parecido un gran juego, aunque no se hasta que punto soy objetivo.
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