Killzone 2 (2009)

3.72 from 109 votes
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Take the fight to the Helghast in this first person shooter from Guerrilla Games.
First released
Feb 27, 2009
Developed by
Guerrilla Games
Published by
Sony Interactive Entertainment America
PlayStation 3
First-Person Shooter
ESRB: M, BBFC: 18, OFLC: MA15+, CERO: D, PEGI: 18+
  • PS3 - Killzone 2 United States
  • PS3 - Killzone 2 United Kingdom
  • PS3 - Killzone 2 Australia
  • PS3 - Killzone 2 Japan
  • PS3 - Killzone 2 (Platinum) United Kingdom
  • PS3 - Killzone 2 (Greatest Hits) United States
  • PS3 - Killzone 2 Dualshock Bundle United States
  • PS3 - Killzone 2 (Limited Edition Collector's Box) United Kingdom

Community reviews

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Good, brainless fun
If you like blowing stuff up (space Nazis in particular) then this'll be right up your street. I'm not much of an FPS man generally but occassionaly I get the hankering to play one and this was such a time. This featured the most immersive gameplay I've ever experienced in an FPS, the controls are slick, the sound effects great, and although the graphics are starting to show their age a little they're still more than adequate. Where it falls down a little is on the story front for me, I didn't feel the characters were that great (a little too stereotyped for my liking). The ISA (the team you play as) didn't have much going for it to make you really like them and the story was all pretty simplistic. I did like the Darth-Vader inspired bad guy Radec and his clearly Nazi inspired chronies however, their red faces contrasting to the general greyness of the game looked really bad-ass. That's another topic worth mentioning, the game is very grey, a little more variation in the levels would have been nice.
Overall this was a hell of a lot of fun, with amazing gameplay but falls short of being great because of the simplistic unengaging story and generally forgettable 'good guy' characters.
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