Birth of the Alliance and Horde
Six years after the events of Warcraft 1, the Orcs have defeated the Humans and destroyed Stormwind Keep, leaving Lothar to gather what refugees remain and flee north towards Lordaeron. Realising the threat, as mentioned by Lothar, King Terenas of Lordaeron creates the Alliance of human factions, elves of Quel'thalas, and the dwarves and gnomes of Khaz Modan. The Horde, under leadership of their Orgrim Doomhammer as recruits the trolls, goblins and ogres into the fray and launch their attack on the northern provinces, thus beginning the second war.
Warcraft 2, launched only a year after Warcraft 1, follows a similar play style, being an RTS 2D graphics game. Major improvements were made from its predecessor as the graphics are improved, as well as mechanics. More units and buildings are introduced, along with more detailed lore. The game still follows the recipe of whichever faction the player chooses is the faction that claims victory, however, certain events are said to be canon from each faction.
By far one of the best in the trilogy and should definitely be given a chance. Be sure to pick up a copy of this game on
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