Postal 2: Apocalypse Weekend (2005)

2.86 from 14 votes
An expansion to Postal 2.
First released
May 12, 2005
Developed by
House of Moves, Inc.
Published by
Running With Scissors
Mac, PC
Action, First-Person Shooter
Horror, Comedy, Modern Military, Crime, Post-Apocalyptic
  • MAC - PostalĀ²: Apocalypse Weekend

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*Warning: spoilers* Amazing expansion to the main game.
Holy sh... Postal 2 was something. I heard many times of it in the past and how it got banned in many countries, that it does not have any reason to exist and that everything is f*cked up beyond belief. After Steam recommended me to play this game next, I thought I will give it a shot.

Right from the beginning the rumors were true. It is one big mash of weird stuff, adult jokes, references to other games and media and vile crap. I loved it immediately. Running with Scissors said that people must not take this game seriously, and they where right. Everything is one big joke, but a good joke.

After completing the crazy journey that the main game offered me, I completed the expansion Postal 2: Apocalypse Weekend. In this expansion, you wake up in the hospital after you shot yourself in the head so you didn't have to listen to the nagging of your wife. You play on Saturday and Sunday in this expansion.

After leaving the hospital, you complete some riddicilous missions like kill sick cows and vegetarians, until it becomes Sunday. When waking up, everyone is a zombie and the whole town is infested with them. You are contacted by your manager from Running with Sciccors and are given various jobs. You kill Rednecks, clear out a terrorist training camp and rescue your beloved dog Champ.

You end this masterpiece of a DLC by nuking the town with a remote missile and the memorable line: "I regret nothing!".

Just epic.

In conclusion, this game is one big mess of all the wrong you would not teach to your kids, but it is an amazing game. The effort from Running with Scissors is great and you can see immediately that they put their heart and soul in this title.

Postal 2 gave me some hard-earned laughter, fun and challenge. I loved every minute of it.

Definitely recommend this game!
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