A pirate simulator created by the renowned game designer Sid Meier. Contains looting, swordsmanship and all around swashbuckling. The game was remade in 1993 for the PC; it was also reimagined in 2004 for the PC and Xbox.
Pirates!, Sid Meier
Developed by
MicroProse Software, Inc.
Published by
Ultra Games, MicroProse Software, Inc., Kixx XL
Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Apple II, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Mac, Nintendo Entertainment System, Apple IIgs, PC
Action, Adventure, Role-Playing, Simulation
- AMI - Amiga United States
- NES - Pirates! United States
- PC - Sid Meier's Pirates! (Steam Remake) United States
- PC - Pirates! Gold Plus (GOG) United States