The Legend of Dragoon (1999)

4.04 from 60 votes
A young man sets out on a quest to save his childhood friend who has been kidnapped and locked in a prison. What he doesn't know is that the journey that lies ahead of him and the significance of his Father's red stone that was left behind.
First released
Dec 2, 1999
Developed by
Sony Interactive Entertainment
Published by
Sony Interactive Entertainment America
PlayStation, PlayStation Network (PS3), PlayStation Network (PSP)
Fantasy, Medieval
  • PS1 - The Legend of Dragoon United States
  • PS1 - The Legend of Dragoon United Kingdom
  • PS1 - The Legend of Dragoon Japan
  • PS1 - The Legend of Dragoon (Greatest Hits) United States
  • PS3N - The Legend of Dragoon (PlayStation Classics) United States
  • PS3N - The Legend of Dragoon United States
  • PS5 - The Legend of Dragoon (Digital) United Kingdom

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