Postal 2 (2003)

3.53 from 54 votes
Reprise the role of The Postal Dude who is willing to accomplish his everyday goals by any means necessary.
First released
Apr 13, 2003
Developed by
Running With Scissors
Published by
Running With Scissors
Mac, PC, Linux
Action, First-Person Shooter
  • PC - Postal 2 United States
  • PC - Postal Fudge Pack United States

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One of the weirdest, yet coolest, games I ever played
Holy sh... Postal 2 was something. I heard many times of it in the past and how it got banned in many countries, that it does not have any reason to exist and that everything is f*cked up beyond belief. After Steam recommended me to play this game next, I thought I will give it a shot.

Right from the beginning the rumors were true. It is one big mash of weird stuff, adult jokes, references to other games and media and vile crap. I loved it immediately. Running with Scissors said that people must not take this game seriously, and they where right. Everything is one big joke, but a good joke.

The graphics are impressive for the time and the sound is good. I also specifically love the AI. Although it can be tricked easy, on normal occasions, it is very advanced and self-thinking. There is so much going on around you and the people in the game all mind their own business before you pump them full of lead for no apparent reason.

There were some annoyances like the constant crashing of the game on random moments and getting stuck more often than cat barf on a carpet but this I took for granted.

I loved the artwork (especially on the achievement tiles), the jokes, the many references to other games, TV shows and modern-day problems and the constant satire on the world. Many times I asked myself: “How did they come up with this stuff?”

Running with Scissors also tells you the story of how they got problems with their publisher and instead of placing a note on their site or cutting the game short, they hilariously made fun of the “evil” corporation that turns their game and feature games into sh!t. The constant criticism of the coming Postal III in the game is hilarious. They even make you literally piss on it many times. It is something I never saw in a game yet. They were right, Postal III sucks ass what I saw and have read about it.

Just when I thought I saw it all, Postal 2 still surprised me with new and original content and humor until the end of the game.

For me collecting the ridiculous 89 achievements from the main game and Paradise Lost was a real challenge, one I was happy to accept. It took me some time, but I finally did it. Completing the game and DLC on Postal mode was one of the hardest things I personally achieved in gaming so far. But it was possible, so I went for it.

In conclusion, this game is one big mess of all the wrong you would not teach to your kids, but it is an amazing game. The effort from Running with Scissors is great and you can see immediately that they put their heart and soul in this title.

Postal 2 gave me some hard-earned laughter, fun and challenge. I loved every minute of it.

Definitely recommend this game!
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