God of War II continues the story of Kratos as he wields his newly-bestowed god-like powers, much to the dismay and fear of the other gods.
First released
Mar 13, 2007
GOWII, GOW2, God of War 2
God of War
Developed by
SIE Santa Monica Studio, Sonic Mayhem
Published by
Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe, Sony Interactive Entertainment America, Sony Interactive Entertainment Korea, Sony Interactive Entertainment Australia, Capcom
PlayStation 2
Fantasy, Alternate Historical
ESRB: M, PEGI: 18+, BBFC: 18, CERO: D
PS2 - God of War II United States
PS2 - God of War II Australia
PS2 - God of War II United Kingdom
PS2 - God of War II (Special Edition) United Kingdom
PS2 - God of War II (Special Edition) Australia
PS2 - God of War II: Shuuen No Jokyoku Japan
PS2 - God of War II (Platinum) United Kingdom
PS2 - God of War II (Greatest Hits) United States
PS2 - God of War II: Shuuen No Jokyoku (Best Price) Japan
Played it wayy back then so I don't remember the details but I do know that it is soo incredibly awesome! It was the first god of war I played and it was an amazing experience.
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