Silent Hill 3 (2003)

4.20 from 84 votes
In the third installment of the Silent Hill series, a teenage girl named Heather finds herself drawn into the demonic world of Silent Hill after a strange encounter with a detective in a local shopping mall.
First released
Aug 6, 2003
Silent Hill
Developed by
Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo, Team Silent
Published by
PlayStation 2, PC
Horror, Sci-Fi
ESRB: M, BBFC: 18, PEGI: 18+, CERO: 15+
  • PC - Silent Hill 3 United Kingdom
  • PC - Silent Hill 3 United Kingdom
  • PC - Silent Hill 3 United States
  • PC - Silent Hill 3 Japan
  • PS2 - Silent Hill 3 United States
  • PS2 - Silent Hill 3 United Kingdom
  • PS2 - Silent Hill 3 Japan

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Excelente (9)
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One of the Best
I'm sure I don't have to mention that, in its heyday, Silent Hill was one of the greatest horror game franchises around. Silent Hill 3 lives up to it's name with its unnerving atmosphere, skin crawling monster designs, and surreal, terrifying storyline.

This go around has us playing as Heather Mason, "daughter" of the 1st game's protagonist Harry Mason (I won't spoil anything further), as she finds herself the target of the first game's creepy cult.


- Vastly expands the Silent Hill mythos to its betterment.

- Pyramid Head does NOT make a return this time around (don't get me wrong, he's become the face of Silent Hill, but he's soooooo over used).

- One of the best looking games on PS2. Holds up even now.


- The cult-themed storyline, built upon from the first game, is incredibly creepy, but I vastly preferred the minimalistic storyline of Silent Hill 2.


- Team Silent lost the original source code, so we'll never receive a proper remaster.
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