One of the progenitors of Japanese RPGs, The Black Onyx brings the world of high-fantasy RPGs to Japanese computers as five brave adventurers set out through a deep underground labyrinth to find the legendary Black Onyx and break a curse set upon on the fantasy town of Utsuro.
The Black Onyx
Developed by
Bullet-Proof Software, Inc., Atelier Double, ASCII Corporation
Published by
Bullet-Proof Software, Inc., Taito Corporation, ASCII Corporation
MSX, Nintendo Entertainment System, Game Boy Color, NEC PC-8801, NEC PC-9801, Sharp X1, FM-7, NEC PC-6001, Sega SG-1000
- 6001 - The Black Onyx Japan
- GBC - The Black Onyx Japan
- NES - Super Black Onyx Japan
- PC88 - The Black Onyx Japan
- SG1K - The Black Onyx Japan